Sexy picture of Chad James Buchanan. There’s something very defiant and seductive about the way he looks. Essentially, this picture right here is the pinnacle of ALL sexiness. Muskiness, even.
Sexy picture of Chad James Buchanan. There’s something very defiant and seductive about the way he looks. Essentially, this picture right here is the pinnacle of ALL sexiness. Muskiness, even.
Shirtless picture of Gianluca Ginoble. He looks slick and seductive in the best way possible. He looks like the kinda guy that would sweet-talk you into fucking him even if you ain’t gay. You know the one?
Sexy picture of Liam Mower. It’s hard to come up with an apt description for a hottie like that. Despite spending several months as one of the top crowd-pleasers on our site, he’s now kinda unpopular.
Shirtless picture of George Russell. As far as George goes, it’s been a slow and steady decline, we feel like. None of the pictures of his are as entertaining as they once were. Still, you gotta enjoy ‘em.
Sexy picture of Arthur Mariano. Ever since we first saw him in them trunks, it’s been a real eye-opening journey for us. Enjoy looking at the muscle-bound freak in high quality, folks. Have fun.
Shirtless picture of Markus Riva. This dude looks pretty hot but there’s nothing we can do if he’s not doing anything for you. You know? His appeal is kinda bland, but it’s not the worst thing out there.
Sexy picture of Dylan Geick. The dark-haired hottie looks pretty while just rolling around in the dirt, y’know? It’s an unconventional gallery with some unconventional meanings behind it. Enjoy it all.
Sexy picture of Gregg Sulkin. He does remind us of Hayden Christensen, in a way. The abs are perfect, the glare is sexy, there’s nothing you can possibly do in order to improve this set of pictures.
Sexy picture of Sergey Lazarev. He’s cocky, he’s shredded, he’s one of the best-looking Russian singers out there. The guy loves flexing for the camera, loves giving you cocky grins, whatever.
Sexy picture of Calum Winsor. Admiring him as a hero is totally okay because every hero needs a worshipper! A devotee! A bottom! Anyways, his physique is perfect. Love his weird face, too.